Friday 30 March 2012

Reducing Stress with Aromatherapy

You only have to turn on the TV or open a newspaper to hear or read about recent events that have been happening in the world, some of which can cause stress to people receiving such information. The Credit Crunch that has gripped the globe in recent months, is one such example; it has affected a lot of people and caused them to suffer. Some people have lost jobs, some have lost their homes and this has caused detrimental effects on their state of wellbeing and health.

It's not only such widespread events that cause such stress, however. The media today is full of stories that can cause people to worry about what is happening closer to home; for example, reports of car accidents, traffic queues and worker's strikes are just a few things that are all too common and can lead to people worrying.

With the media only too happy to report on anything and everything that is happening, as well as everyday trials and tribulations, it is no wonder that people go home at night and look for different ways to relax. There are many different ways people choose to do this, but one of the most popular is to use essential oils and aromatherapy in the home to produce a calming effect or help with restless nights.

The use of essential oils in aromatherapy can be documented back many years; in about 1907 the concept was discovered and in 1937 the first book was produced on the subject. Essential oils were used in World Was II as antiseptics to treat injured soldiers, which helped to increase their exposure in the field of medicine.

Aromatherapy itself is used to treat a variety of disorders, not only stress. In some countries such as France, it is used in mainstream medicinal practice; as many essential oils contain antiseptic, antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial properties.

There are a variety of essential oils used in aromatherapy, some of which are said to have calming effects on the body. These include lavender, bergamot, basil and lemon oil. Other types of essential oils produce different effects; jasmine, sandalwood and ylang-ylang are often used as aphrodisiacs, geranium oil and tea tree oil are known to have antiseptic properties and frankincense and Eucalyptus oils have been known to help relieve cold and flu symptoms. This list is not conclusive and many oils produce more than one effect on the users. One example of this is lavender oil, which has many uses apart from stress relief. These include soothing cuts and bruises and helping those who suffer with insomnia to get a full night's rest.

Many shops sell aromatherapy and essential oils products, both on the high street and on the Internet. It is becoming increasingly popular as time goes by, especially as many online retailers offer incentives to encourage sales. To make sure you are buying good quality oils, we would always recommend you buy essential oils from a supplier who is an Aromatherapy Trade Council member.

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